Page | Title | Filename |
74 | Using If... Statements | if-statement.php |
75 | Using If... Else Statements | if-else-statement.php |
77 | Using Ternary Operators | ternary-operator.php |
78 | Using If... Elseif... Statements | if-else-if-statement.php |
79 | Using Switch Statements | switch-statement.php |
80 | Using Match Expressions | match.php |
83 | Using While Loops | while-loop.php |
85 | Using Do While Loops | do-while-loop.php |
88 | Using For Loops | for-loop.php |
89 | Using For Loops (Continued) | for-loop-higher-counter.php |
92 | Looping Through Keys and Values | foreach-loop.php |
93 | Looping Through Keys and Values (Continued) | foreach-loop-just-accessing-values.php |
97 | Using Include Files | include-and-require-files.php |
101 | Example | example.php |